Tighten that drooping brow and erase those forehead wrinkles with the help of an endoscopic forehead lift! This lift procedure is ideal for those looking for a less invasive alternative to the traditional forehead lift.

One of the primary differences between endoscopic procedures and other plastic surgery procedures is the size of the incisions utilized. The endoscopic forehead lift involves much smaller incisions than a traditional forehead lift, which means that healing will take less time and be easier overall. These shorter cuts (three to five in total) are created behind the hairline.

Corey S. Maas MDTM is double-board-certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery as well as Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. Dr. Maas will be happy to discuss the endoscopic forehead lift in person during a consultation. To arrange a consultation with Dr. Maas, contact our office.

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