Revitalizing Your Natural Beauty

Natural, biological changes to your skin structure as you age also mean that the causes of your wrinkles or sagging may be too deep-seated to treat with topical approaches. Suppose you are beginning to find that your favorite products and minimally invasive treatments are no longer giving you the desired results. In that case, it might be time to consider a mini facelift. A mini facelift, mini neck lift, or simply mini lift is a procedure that targets saggy and wrinkly skin on the lower third of the face to restore the contours of the cheeks, chin, jawline, and upper neck. The mini lift is also an excellent option for those who want to see tangible benefits but are unsure about committing to a complete facelift. The procedure takes less time and is less invasive than a traditional facelift but can still provide substantial rejuvenation that can brighten and restore the appearance of the face as a whole.

What Is a Mini Facelift?

"Mini lift" is a term that is often used to represent any facelift that is any degree less invasive than a full facelift. Even among facelift experts, there is significant discussion and debate about what constitutes a particular kind of facelift. Over time, plastic surgeons have adapted the traditional facelift to hundreds of different techniques to fit their client's diverse needs and goals. Upper and lower facelifts, Q Lifts, feather lifts, and S Lifts include various options that can sometimes confuse clients. Moreover, many surgeons have different names for the same procedures or the same names for different procedures.

"Historically, the original term facelift described a lower facelift or a lift in which the lower two-thirds of the face (cheeks, mouth, chin, and jawline) are addressed. Whether a facelift was done on just the skin, with the skin and underlying connective tissue, or using a deep plane technique, it was all about addressing the lower part of the face. As techniques progressed, the term "facelift" evolved to include the temples and brow, requiring new terms for lifts of different face areas. Many surgeons chose to give these "mini lifts" catchy, branded names like the "QuickLift" or the "One Hour Lift."

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More About the Types of Mini Facelifts

There are two types of proper mini lifts we offer at The Maas Clinic™ in San Francisco. There's a mini lift of the face, which addresses the cheek and jawline area, and a mini lift of the neck, which handles just the neck area and can also improve the jawline to a certain extent. You can also have procedures that will enhance only the uppermost portion of the face. These surgeries—the mini, neck, and brow lift—give you even more control over problem areas and your final outcome.

The Mini Facelift

The mini facelift in San Francisco is an ideal treatment for patients who are satisfied with the appearance of the upper third portion of their face or who have only milder symptoms, which other procedures can improve.

For example, suppose you have fine lines in the forehead or glabellar area (the area between the eyebrows). In that case, BOTOX® may be sufficient to enhance these areas, allowing you to delay a total facelift for some time.

The Neck Lift

A neck lift can address skin and muscle laxity beneath the chin if this is the primary focus of your concerns. This procedure excises loose or sagging skin from the neck and tightens muscles to eliminate the jowls and provide smoother, trimmer contours and an enhanced profile.

A neck lift may be included in a mini facelift if you also have concerns in the middle-third portion of the face, but you can also have a neck lift on its own.

The Brow Lift

Sagging or drooping browns are another common concern among patients, which can increase as we age. Skin laxity and drooping skin can lower the eyebrows' position, resulting in an angry or fatigued look and making you look much older than you actually are. A brow lift focuses on this concern, correcting it, in one technique, by lifting the skin of the forehead from the hairline, where the incision is concealed. The results are smoother skin of the forehead and eyebrows restored to an attractive, alert, and elevated position.

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The Mini Facelift Procedure

If you and Dr. Maas determine that a mini lift is right for you, you can schedule your procedure whenever you are ready. The mini lift procedure itself is an outpatient procedure that usually uses local anesthesia with sedation, though general anesthesia is also available if you prefer. The procedure typically takes about two hours to complete, with another hour or so spent in our recovery room before you are released. You will need a trusted friend or family member to drive you home since you will not be able to do so on your own after you have your anesthesia.
In a mini lift of the face, Dr. Maas works in the layer of tissues just under your skin called the SMAS layer. Along with your skin, this layer of tissue can be elevated, repositioned, and restretched to fully contour the lower part of your face, especially the jawline, marionette lines between your mouth and chin, and the lower part of the folds between your nose and mouth, formally known as the nasolabial folds.

The incision is usually hidden behind the hairline near the ears; if you do not have the necessary hair coverage, the scar will be visible but very small. We can work with you to keep your incisions to a minimum and to create an aftercare routine that ensures they heal as cleanly as possible. The mini lift of the neck is very similar in that the incisions will be hidden behind the ear and within the hairline. However, the incisions are positioned slightly lower so that Dr. Maas can focus on the neck's skin and the jaw's underside. From that point, loose skin on each side will be gently pulled back, restoring contour to the neck and eliminating sagging skin (sometimes called a "turkey neck") or other wrinkles. A mini neck lift also uses liposuction through a tiny incision under the chin to reduce any pockets of fat that may be causing a double chin appearance.

Other Facelift Procedures


A facelift is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to lift and tighten sagging skin on the face and neck, reducing wrinkles and restoring a more youthful, refreshed appearance.

Learn About Our Facelift


A mid-facelift is a specialized cosmetic procedure that targets the middle portion of the face. It lifts and repositions the cheeks and lower eyelids to reduce sagging and restore youthful contours, resulting in a refreshed and natural appearance.

Learn About Our Mid-Facelift

Silhouette Facelift

A Silhouette Facelift is a minimally invasive procedure that uses dissolvable sutures with tiny cones to lift and tighten sagging facial tissues. It provides a subtle and natural-looking rejuvenation with minimal downtime.

Learn About Our Silhouette Facelift

Revision Facelift

A revision facelift is a surgical procedure designed to correct or enhance the results of a previous facelift. It addresses issues such as lingering sagging, asymmetry, or scarring to achieve a more refined and balanced appearance.

Learn About Our Revision Facelift

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Recovering From Your Mini Facelift

Your recovery time will be specific to your procedure, skin type, and health. In general, Dr. Maas recommends planning to take at least one week away from work or social activities to allow your face or neck to heal. Some clients experience residual redness, bruising, or swelling for a few weeks after surgery and do not feel comfortable relying on makeup to appear in public. For this reason, it is often wise to take as much time at home to recover as possible. Dr. Maas will be able to advise you on when you are healed enough to resume more active day-to-day activities — like light exercise or errand running — and also when you are cleared to return to strenuous exercise or heavy lifting, which usually takes one to two months. The six-month mark is when clients typically feel they can see the complete effects of their surgery and feel like renewed versions of themselves.

Why Have Your Mini Facelift at The Maas Clinic™ in San Francisco?

Corey S. Maas, MD, is an internationally recognized facial plastic surgery and cosmetics expert with years of experience and research that have informed his techniques and offerings. At The Maas Clinic™ in San Francisco, we offer mini lifts because we know that full facelifts are often unnecessary to achieve the results that a particular client desires. The invasive nature of a full facelift adds extra surgical risks, surgery time, and recovery time. Client safety and satisfaction are our top priorities, so we always aim to meet our clients' goals with as little surgical intervention as possible. Mini lifts at The Maas Clinic™ in San Francisco deliver the younger, sculpted facial aesthetic that many clients want without requiring extensively invasive surgery.

Depending on your particular concerns, you can choose between a mini facelift, neck lift, or brow lift. If your cheeks and jawline are your priority, a mini lift of the face will likely deliver your best results. If wrinkles or sagging skin on the neck are causing the rest of your face and décolletage to look aged, then a mini lift of the neck can eliminate those concerns. Alternatively, if your forehead and brows are your primary concern, a brow lift may be the right choice. Regardless of which procedure you select, if you are interested in facial surgery in San Francisco, you should schedule an in-person consultation with Dr. Maas. He can evaluate your concerns and make expert recommendations to meet your goals with beautiful, natural, and lasting results.

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Visit The Maas Clinic™ today to start enjoying the best look of your life now!

To learn more about a mini lift of the face, neck, or brows in San Francisco, the Bay Area, and other surrounding areas, contact The Maas Clinic™ in San Francisco to schedule a consultation with Corey S. Maas, MD, today. Dr. Maas is committed to combining art and science for a naturally beautiful result — and beautifully you. We will be happy to help you determine if a mini lift or alternate facial procedure might suit you. To begin your journey, contact us today.

Mini-Facelift FAQ

How does a mini-facelift differ from a traditional facelift?

Is a mini-facelift right for someone in their 40s?

How long do the results of a mini-facelift last?

How does a mini-facelift differ from a traditional facelift?

A mini-facelift focuses on lifting and tightening the lower face, especially around the jawline and cheeks. It requires smaller incisions and less recovery time compared to a traditional facelift, which addresses sagging skin on the entire face and neck. Ideal for those with mild to moderate signs of aging, a mini-facelift offers a subtle, yet rejuvenating lift without the more extensive surgery of a full facelift.

Is a mini-facelift right for someone in their 40s?

Yes, a mini-facelift is a popular choice for individuals in their 40s who are beginning to see early signs of aging, such as mild jowling or loose skin around the cheeks. It provides a preventative approach, offering a refreshed look without the need for more invasive surgery. This procedure is particularly beneficial for those wanting a natural, youthful enhancement.

How long do the results of a mini-facelift last?

While the longevity of results can vary depending on individual factors like skin elasticity and lifestyle habits, the effects of a mini-facelift typically last between 5 to 10 years. The results are long-lasting but less dramatic than a traditional facelift, making it an excellent option for those who want subtle, age-defying results with the potential for touch-ups as needed in the future.

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